Potency Power and Pleasure

Positively Embodied

This journey is about co-authoring our lives alongside the unpredictable universe, guided by the possibility of embodied potency, power, and pleasure. Emotions and inner experiences find their voice in the realm of movement. Sometimes, our feelings remain unspoken and unexpressed because certain movement resources lie dormant within us, such as a strong sense of center to help us love in the face of loss, or a sense of ground that can help us stand up for ourself.  

This workshop explores such latent movements, focusing on the often-overlooked emotions of potency, self-agency, and pleasure—the triumvirate of 'Hell Yeah!' feelings that signify capability, empowerment, and joyous living. Many qualities of strength can be accessed through movement practice, awakening the inner potency we need to manifest our desires.  

We can learn to embrace our personal power without causing harm and hold steady and curious in the face of disagreement or disappointment. Simultaneously we can savor the profound pleasure that accompanies authentic self-expression and courageous participation.

Positively Embodied: Potency, Power, & Pleasure

Mountain View De Anza Masonic Lodge
March 22, 2024
March 24, 2024