To Realign

To Realign: Open Floor Movement Practice

It is just so easy in this big bad beautiful world to be thrown off, distracted, or so overwhelmed we can’t feel ourselves. Most of us need concerted focus, inspiration, and support to engage in the deep listening of the inner workings of our own body and being. 

To reconnect, to reimagine, to remember, to recharge, to re-access. The prefix “re-” points to circling back to something known or held as valuable before. 

In movement practice, the dance of ‘circling back’ can be poignant and illuminating. To realign with something essential in ourselves is vital to living our own values and gifts. The movements of returning are known to us, and the practice and art of doing so vitalizes and aligns us with our core selves.  

If there is to be a reinvention, or a recommitment to something we have been with before, we need to know what we are capable of now, in 2022, at whatever age we are, and in whatever state of health we find ourselves in. A time of retreat and the focused play of embodiment practice invites this into re-evaluation and renewal.

To Realign: Open Floor Movement Practice

Esalen - Big Sur, CA
October 17, 2022
October 21, 2022

To Realign: Open Floor Movement Practice

Mountain View, California
March 28, 2025
March 30, 2025